Saturday, June 10, 2023

Childish Politicians

"He did it too!"
"She did it first!"

   That's what Trumpians are saying to defend their hero's taking of government documents after leaving office.
   A big difference is that when government material was found, Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton immediately returned them, saying they were taken to their homes by mistake, and they didn't know they had been taken.
   Whether you believe them is another issue, but the documents were immediately returned. Contrast that with Donald Trump's insistence that he did not have any such documents, even as he told his staff to move them so searchers wouldn't find them. When that excuse didn't work, he claimed he had mentally changed the documents'  security clearance, so it didn't matter where they were or who had them.
   Now that a federal grand jury has indicted the ex-president on criminal charges, his defenders are increasing their attack on his Democratic opponents, and attempting to ignore their hero's alleged crimes.
   News media have also noted that Richard Nixon was referred to as an "unindicted co-conspirator" who was later pardoned by his presidential successor, fellow Republican Gerald Ford.
   Donald Trump does not have that advantage. Besides, Nixon's pardon was only for any federal offenses that he may have committed, while Trump also faces several state level offenses, so a presidential pardon would have no effect on them.

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