Saturday, June 10, 2023

Primary Battle

   Violence is coming to America.
   This is not just talk. Already, there are hints -- sometimes clear statements -- that supporters of a political leader are planning to take over the government no matter what a vote calculation says.
   That's because they believe the vote count will be accurate only if they win. To them, a purported loss is clear evidence that the other side cheated.
   The premise that they themselves may have manipulated the vote count is vehemently denied.
   Some question whether essays in this blog are not written for high income readers with college degrees, but for lower income workers with less education, and that explains the regular use of short words rather than polysyllabic terminology.
   Answer: The essays are written for both. Short words mean the same, and are easier to read and understand. That is the secret of good writing: to be understood.
   Or as some folks say, "He must be intelligent. I didn't understand a word he said." Others suggest he was just Blowing Smoke. The challenge is to prove your intelligence by being clearly understood.
   Speaking of speakers Blowing Smoke, the political season in America is under way early, and the danger this year is whether political rhetoric will cross the line from aggressive talk to a level that encourages violence.
   Candidates will likely deny that's their plan, but whether their followers accept that explanation or they call it a CYA reply is for the general public to decide.
   Meanwhile, the hints of approaching violence continue to drop. Whether they explode when they hit remains a question.
   The real issue is whether such hints should be part of political speech.

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