Saturday, June 24, 2023

"Woke" is a Shibboleth

   The term "woke" as used by Republican commentators and politicians is a shibboleth. It has no meaning, and is used only to test the loyalty of listeners.
   The term shibboleth originated in ancient Israel, and was used to test the loyalty of its speaker. Those of friendly tribes were able to make the sh- sound, while enemy speakers could not. When they tried to make the test word, it came out "sibboleth," instead. Those who failed the test were killed.
   Otherwise, the term had no value.
   Today, the term "woke" in the GOP vocabulary has no meaning. Its only value is to identify those who are not loyal to Republican politics.
   Forgotten -- or not known by these orators -- is the reality that the new definition of the term "woke" originated in Harlem in the 1930s, and was used to identify those who sought jobs in other parts of Manhattan but in doing so "woke" to the reality of bias in the job market.
   It's time GOP politicians "woke" to a similar reality and used a word with real meaning.

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