Sunday, September 23, 2012

Birthers Revisited

   Mitt Romney's father, George Romney, was a candidate for President in 1968. He was born in Mexico. By birther standards, George Romney was not eligible for the presidency. Neither was John McCain, candidate for President in 2008, who was born in Panama. Yet no fuss was made over their eligibility.

   Birthers insist that candidates be "native born" citizens; that is, born in the U.S. But the Constitution specifies "natural born," not "native born."

   George Romney and John McCain were, in fact, natural born citizens of the U.S. because their parents were citizens. As "natural born citizens," which is what the Constitution requires, they were eligible.

   Barack Obama's mother was from Kansas. Therefore, regardless of his place of birth, he -- like George Romney and John McCain -- is a natural born citizen and constitutionally eligible for the presidency.

   The news media need to be more emphatic in pointing out the difference, and in asking the so-called "birthers" why they insist on ignoring the Constitution.

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