Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Gender Neutrality

   The English language does not have a gender-neutral singular pronoun for use with people, so speakers and writers often use the plural "they," even when referring to individuals.

"Everyone must do their part."
"Each one of us should cast their vote on Election Day"
"Each has their own unique style."

   To some, mixing the plural pronoun (they) with a singular referent (everyone, each), jars the ear. But the politically correct "his or her" or "his/her" jars even more, partly because it seems clumsy. And, of course, using "its" in reference to people is right out.
   So, what to do? As the king said, "Is a puzzlement."

Consider the options:
1/ Defy the objectors, and continue using "everyone ... their."
2/ Satisfy the politically sensitive and use "his or her," and alternate the genders throughout the text, running the risk of confusing readers even more.
3/ Use the neuter pronoun "its," traditionally used for things, not people or other creatures.
4/ Revive the Anglo-Saxon singular neutral "hem."
5/ Rewrite to the clearly plural, such as "All voters should cast their ballots," or "Each has a unique style," or "All of us must do our parts," thereby pluralizing "ballots" to agree with the plural "us."

   When in doubt, rephrase.
   Another advantage: You eliminate the conflict and the redundancy in the phrase "their own unique ... " By definition, "unique" is one of a kind.

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