Thursday, November 29, 2012


All news is local.

   We hear a lot about ocean-borne debris fouling the beaches of Hawaii and America's West Coast as a result of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan.

   Will we hear as much about debris from storm damage on America's East Coast fouling beaches in Europe?

Don't mess with Mother Nature. She'll get you in the end.

   For those who deny global warming, ask them when they last saw ice skating on Central Park Lake in Manhattan, or on any local pond.
   Or ask the Flexible Flyer company about sled sales. Or ask why some bird species no longer migrate. Or ask why mockingbirds are no longer limited to the American South.
   The issue is not whether the climate is changing, but how much people contribute to it, and how we can change our ways so we don't self-destruct.

Justice is blind. And sometimes more than that.

   The Shooda Stood in Bed Award goes to the Italian weather forecasters who faced criminal charges for not predicting the extent of earthquake damage.
   The Why Bother Award goes to those in Europe who require folks to purchase travelers insurance. Unless you're over 65, in which case you are rejected because of age and you can't get it even if you do want it.

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