Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Idle Thoughts

   Q/ What do you think of open borders?
   A/ Close the borders. There are too many Canadians clamoring to come here to take advantage of our health care system.

   Kudos to Jon Stewart of The Daily Show for taking aim at a Fox News host and guest who lamented the changing demographics of America, with the rush of new immigrants endangering the traditional American way of life.
   The host and guest were named O'Reilly and Goldberg.

   A commentator noted the reluctance of the conservative wing of the GOP to see what might be happening to their party. "It's one thing to be on the Titanic. It's another not to know an iceberg has struck."

   There's a need for people who can't hear "no."

   There's a thin line between confidence and arrogance.

   Education is never wasted.

   Religionists discovered marketing as a way to spread their influence. When that didn't work, they turned to violence.

   Religion begets politics, but not the reverse.

   What if he got in touch with his inner Thurston Howell, but no one was home?

   The TV graphic noted that the electric company replaced more than 2500 polls.
   (So who needs Gallup?)

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