Monday, September 19, 2016

Northern Exposure

   "Build a wall!" shouts the candidate. "We need to get tough," he charges, because the country is being flooded by waves of immigrants who bleed the welfare system like leeches. We don't know who they are or where they come from, he warns, or what they're doing here, except that they are terrorists, murderers, rapists, criminals and troublemakers of all kinds intent on destroying this nation and its values.
   But if he doesn't know who they are or where they come from, how come he knows all about all the bad things that these unknown and uncountable bad guys are allegedly doing?
   Either you know something, and you have evidence, documentation and identifiable proof of who's doing what, where, when and how, or you know nothing.
   So either put up or be quiet.
   Nevertheless, the candidate promises to build a wall, a ten-foot-tall physical and impenetrable barrier all along America's southern border to keep out all the baddies and make the county safe.
   But what about the northern border?
   So far, all the warnings have been about terrorists, criminals and rapists (Oh, my!) who are easily spotted because they look different, they talk funny and they have peculiar names.
   However, our international neighbors to the north look like us, talk like us (well, most of them) and have names similar to ours.

   Danger. They blend.

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