Thursday, September 8, 2016

The Carousel Candidate

Round and around he goes, and what his position is, nobody knows.

   "I have a plan to defeat ISIS."
   "I know more about ISIS than the generals."
   "I will ask the generals for a plan to defeat ISIS."
   "Diplomacy, not destruction."
   "I would bomb the s**t out of them."
   "Peace through strength." -- Donald Trump.
   " ... or failing that, peace through threat." -- Emperor Hadrian, who built a wall to keep Scots out of Roman Britain.
   "We will build a wall" to keep Mexicans out of the U.S. -- Donald Trump

   NATO members should "pay their share" of defense costs, said the candidate, or the U.S. won't help repel invasion.
   "My tax returns are audited every year, so I can't release them until the audits are finished." -- Donald Trump.
   "I will release them soon." When? "Soon, trust me."
   The IRS has repeatedly said the candidate can release his tax returns at any time. The candidate claims he is audited every year, and returns from five and ten years ago are still under audit.
   "My tax returns are none of your business."
   "I will close tax loopholes" so the wealthy pay their fair share, said the candidate. Loopholes have enabled this same candidate to pay zero federal tax, according to published reports.
   Questions: Why is he audited every year? Does the IRS have reason to do this? How many others are audited every year? What, if anything, is he hiding if the IRS feels it must audit his returns every year and he refuses to divulge publicly his income data? Why trust someone whose position changes hourly and his relationship with history and truth is often tenuous at best, if not downright wrong?
   News reports about him, the candidate insists, are phony, false and dishonest. If so, why not sue for libel? Here's one reason: The reports are true, and therefore not libelous.

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