Wednesday, April 5, 2017

On the Job Training

"Where is the center of the universe?" said the apprentice.
"Where you are standing," replied the Druid.

"Those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it." -- George Santayana.

"All animals are created equal, but some are more equal than others." -- George Orwell, "Animal Farm."

"Have you even read the Constitution, Mr. Trump?" -- Khizr Khan, father of a slain Marine Corps officer.

   There are no preparatory courses for anyone becoming president of the United States. Every graduate of the Oval Office knows this. Nevertheless, there are some attitudes that are helpful to those moving up to one of the most powerful jobs in the world.
   The first and perhaps the most important guideline is this: Pay attention to what has happened in the past and what's going on around you now.
   The Druid spoke well, but the answer applies to everyone, and does not mean that any one person is more important than any other.
   One person may be taller, or stronger, or wealthier, or younger, or smarter, or have any other quality that differs from others. But this does not make the person better than any other. As noted in the Declaration of Independence, all are created equal. But despite what the George Orwell character claimed, none are more equal than others.
   To expect or demand that others do as you say solely because you say it betrays a world-class arrogance and a monumental ignorance of basic values inherent in a free society. Not to mention ignorance of history and workable practices of a government based on three separate and equal branches.
   Every new president faces a rapid learning process and most enjoy a brief honeymoon while becoming familiar with the sometimes arcane practices of Washington politics.
   But to destroy that honeymoon period on Day One betrays an arrogant belief that you alone are the center of everyone's universe.
   Ain't gonna happen. Get over it.

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