Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Playground Danger

   The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case brought by a Lutheran church that wants in on a local government program that provides funding for schoolyard recreational improvements.
   The church says it should be entitled to the money because it is to be used for non-religious purposes, and to be refused is discriminatory. And it points out that church buildings already get municipal assistance in the form of police and fire department protection.
   That argument aside, here comes the big but ...

   The sought after funding is for ground-up automobile tires, and would be used on playgrounds in place of sand or ordinary dirt.
   Professional sports teams have banned the use of such artificial turf because it is toxic to players who breathe the granules after they are tossed in the air by those who come close to the ground.
   Question: Has nobody noticed the potential danger to children, who are already close to the ground and often roll around on the surface?

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