Thursday, April 20, 2017


Did he think nobody would notice?

   The president let loose a warning to North Korea that an "armada" was heading its way complete with submarines -- "very powerful" -- after the Pyongyang regime paraded its military might and threatened to fire missiles at America and its allies.
   Problem: The "armada" was sailing in the opposite direction, toward previously planned exercises in the Indian Ocean with the Australian Navy. Moreover, a single aircraft carrier and its support vessels do not an "armada" make.
   The word is from the Spanish, and refers to an entire armed fleet -- una fuerza armada -- and historically refers to the Spanish armada of several hundred years ago that was the nation's major way of dealing with opponents.
   The supposedly invincible fleet of 130 ships was defeated by the British under the command of Sir Francis Drake on July 29, 1588. Perhaps the current U.S. president might want to review his high school history courses.

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