Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Diss Loyal

Put the blame on Dem, boys
Put the blame on Dems.

   POTUS is blaming Democrats for the failure of the latest version of Trumpcare in the Senate, calling the four Republican senators who oppose the bill as "disloyal." Discounting the bloc of Democratic senators who were on record as opposing the attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act, "the vote was 48 to 4, which is pretty impressive," the president said.
   Therefore, he charged, that meant all the Democratic and Independent senators who opposed the plan to dismantle the program that provided health care insurance to millions of American, were "obstructionist."
   Reality check: There are 52 Republicans in the U.S. Senate, 46 Democrats and two Independents. Failure to approve moving the bill to the full Senate for discussion and debate, much less for full approval, means Republicans defeated the bill, not Democrats, all of whom were opposed to dismantling the ACA, also known as Obamacare, from the outset.
   Certainly the program needs improvements, but cancelling it entirely or making it worse while rewarding high income people who have no need of health care assistance, is on beyond the border of irresponsibility.

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