Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Free Speech and Fair Comment

   The current inmate of the Oval Office spouts regular rants about the "unfair" coverage of "fake news" by the "failing" news media in America.
   He is particularly offended by any report that depicts his comments as untruthful and contrary to history or fact, and no amount of evidence is enough to persuade him that he might be mistaken in anything, ever.
   More dangerous, however, is the idea that he attempts to control the historically free press in America by cutting back on news briefings by his aides, and refusing to take questions himself directly from reporters assigned to cover his activities.
   In effect, he is his own communications director, using his Twitter account to get out his message and opinions directly to the public and attacking any journalist who asks a pointed question on the rare occasion that is possible.
   So what's next, as he moves toward full control of any communications medium that carries information of value to citizens and voters?
   Consider this: One of the first steps a demagogue takes on the road to complete government control is to muzzle the news media.
   That will be hard to do in a country that is guaranteed a free press, but it's not impossible.
   One important step could be to shut down broadcast media, and that can be done by cancelling or refusing to renew a TV station's license. Another would be to pressure corporate friends to discontinue advertising in the pages of print media critical of his government.
   Another step could be to control sources of information, and that means rewriting history and controlling access to the Internet and its vast variety of data, facts and information.
   Major newspapers in America have been hurt by the growth of Internet news outlets, resulting in a loss of revenue for their print editions. Some have built their own digital operations to meet this challenge, but there is still a time of struggle while the news business reorganizes in a new communications world.
   But while print and broadcast news media may be struggling, Internet-based firms are growing. In addition, there are millions of individuals able and willing to post their opinions and views to be seen worldwide.
   That, however, may not prevent the new guy from attempting to control every aspect of communication. It's simply a different challenge, and a bully will use every weapon he can -- legal or otherwise -- to cement his control.
   Demagogues have used these tactics repeatedly in other countries to stifle opposition and tighten their control on their way to a dictatorship. A free press, however, and in a larger sense free communication, is the first bastion in defense of a free society. Moreover, these same communications media -- personal and professional -- comprise the first draft of history.
   A dictator's attempt to control the daily message of communication among citizens  is therefore the first move to control his status not only in the present but for history also.
   Any bid to stifle dissent equals a move to control all aspects of society, including its history.
   To prevent that, an ever-watchful team of professional journalists and private citizens using social media is essential in maintaining freedom.

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