Friday, July 28, 2017

Trumpcare Strikes Out

   After seven years of complaining and promising to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act that helped to provide health insurance to millions of Americans who otherwise would suffer without it, the Republican Party finally got its chance after its election victory last November.
   Suddenly, to the surprise of many, the party controlled not only the House of Representatives and the Senate but the White House also, as Donald Trump became president.
   But did they have a fully prepared piece of legislation ready as they took control of all three branches of government?
   No. And after numerous attempts to push through at least three versions of the repeal and replace bid, some of which were not even seen by most senators, and most scored poorly in analyses by the bipartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the mighty Trump Team struck out and was benched.
   Now there is little joy in Trumpville, even as some of the players try to cover their loss with attempts to distract the news media by Blowing Smoke about other issues.
   Journalists see through the foggery, however, and can cover several stories at one time. That has been proven every day recently, as a storm of controversies come out of the White House and Trumpian supporters brag about the greatness of the team and its leading pitchman.
   One thing they haven't yet caught onto, however, is that journalists are not part of anyone's team. They cover the play by play and report the score.

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