Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Kremlin Kozy

What's going on here? 
Vladimort discusses a merger with Trumputin.

   With at least 50 people in the room, did he think no one would notice the hour-long chit-chat he was having with Vladimir Putin, president of Russia? Or did POTUS not care?
   With 18 other leaders of the G20 nations at the dinner, along with their partners, spouses, companions and staff watching, Donald Trump wandered from his assigned seat to the other side of the long table, and sat next to Putin and chatted, with Putin's translator the only other person near enough to hear what was being said.
   Trump has praised Putin's "strong leadership" numerous times in the past, and at the G20 dinner in Hamburg, Germany, he spent little time mingling with the host or with other national leaders, opting instead to spend a full hour chatting up Putin.
   Or was it merely chit-chat? After all, who among us has the patience or the stamina for a full hour of idle conversation? Trump has shown little or no patience for chit-chat, and is reported to have the attention span of a donut.
   So the question remains, what were they talking about? A merger, perhaps? And why spend so much time with the person many would call the leader of the Dark Side?
   Or should we say, with Vladimort Trumputin.

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