Thursday, October 5, 2017

Death Quota

   How many people must be shot dead before government acts on gun control?
   What is the quota?
   Does the quota include members of Congress and their families?
   Does one politician's death by gunfire count for more than another American citizen?
   If so, what is the ratio? Does one murdered politician equal five voters? Ten? Twenty? Fifty-nine, which is the number of people shot dead in Las Vegas last week?
   Who decides the number? Has the National Rifle Association taken on the task of determining a quota before it will agree to reasonable gun regulation?
   When and how will the NRA decide on an "acceptable" quota?
   And who gave them the right to decide that?
   Today, the NRA announced it was willing to "enter a conversation" about more firearm regulation, even as it claimed that gun ownership is a "God-given right."
   That's odd, considering that God existed long before firearms were invented. Even more odd, since gunpowder was invented by the Chinese long before Western religion reached that country.
   In any case, has God spoken to you recently about anything, including the right to own dozens of weapons and thousands of rounds of ammunition?
   And for those ready to quote the Bible to support their position on gun control, which the NRA apparently wants to do, isn't there a conflict with the bit that says, "Thou shalt not kill"?
   As for "entering a conversation" about gun regulation, echoed by the president after he first said, "Now is not the time to talk," consider this: Talk alone is meaningless, unless it quickly leads to action. Otherwise, talk can drag on for years, until people get tired of endless yammering and arguing about increasingly minor details. And when the initial furor is over, nothing gets done.
   It is long past time for talk. Action is long overdue. Government officials attack those advocating gun control for "politicizing" the issue.
   But it is, in fact, a political issue, and only politicians can deal with it.

   If not now, when? How many more must die before politicians develop the moral gumption to act?
   Who sets the quota?
   How many is enough?

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