Monday, October 2, 2017

Well Regulated Militia?

   What well regulated militia?
   Nevada has virtually no regulations at all for gun ownership and use, thus enabling one person to gather an arsenal of automatic weapons and fire randomly into a crowd.
   This defies the Constitution, which guarantees the right of the people to keep and bear arms, but this guarantee is couched in terms of a well regulated militia.
   Don't believe me? Look it up. The phrasing of the Second Amendment is clear, regardless of what the National Rifle Association and its devotees insist.
   The almost total lack of control of weapons in Nevada easily enabled a single gunman to carry ten rifles into a hotel room in Las Vegas, then open fire on a crowd gathered for a concert in an open space below.
   Hunters do not use automatic weapons to kill deer because they feel it is unsportsmanlike. Using similar weapons to kill dozens of people apparently is acceptable.
   The NRA insists on emphasizing the last part of the Second Amendment, which says "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
   But the first part speaks of a "well regulated militia." That, in itself, is an infringement, and an appropriate and necessary one, as are many other regulations set up by society and government to ensure domestic tranquility.
   Remember that phrase? It, too, is in the Constitution, at the very beginning. Domestic tranquility cannot exist without some regulations. Otherwise, anarchy results.

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