Thursday, October 26, 2017

Party Time

"Our country. May she always be in the right. But right or wrong, our country." -- Stephen Decatur

   Trumpistas are celebrating the coming departure of two establishment Republican senators, as well as what appears to be a cleansing of mainstream GOP politicians from legislative bodies nationwide.
   But how long with the party last?
   A fight or flight decision is always difficult. This time, however, the future of the celebration -- and the organization -- depends on how many will stay to fight the expansion of extremist populism or will  choose to leave and continue to fight from outside the increasingly radicalized organization.
   "America First" is a useful and patriotic slogan, but when it leads to an attitude of "America Only," it becomes a rallying cry for victory over anyone and everything, no matter the issue.
   And as Stephen Decatur pointed out in the early 19th Century, it's possible that the country may not always be in the right. Nevertheless, patriotism and loyalty to its principles remain. Note also his use of the plural pronoun "our," acknowledging that the principles of the republic apply to everyone, not any single favored group.
   Americans now face a decision as to whether the current administration is leading the country down the right path to peace and prosperity or toward economic destruction (with some few exempt from the disaster), intergroup animosity and perhaps even war.
   Meanwhile, here's a news item to consider. Donald Trump has congratulated Xi Jinping on his elevation by the Chinese government to the status equal to Mao Zedong, founder of the communist nation, thus sanctifying the current leader and making any disagreement with President Xi heresy.
   In a TV interview on Fox News, Trump also said Xi is "a powerful man," and that "some people might call him the King of China -- but he's called president."
   The current U.S. president has in the past praised Vladimir Putin for his "strongman" tactics as ruler of Russia.
   What does that tell you about the attitudes and ambitions of Donald Trump?

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