Saturday, June 13, 2020

Fake News

   The Seattle Times caught the Fox News web site running digitally altered photos of an armed man guarding a store's smashed window in Seattle, as well as a picture of a burning city, which was actually taken in St. Paul, Minnesota a week earlier.
   The newspaper reported that the "image was actually a mashup of photos from different days, taken by different photographers" in different cities.
   The Fox web site "had no disclaimers revealing the photos had been manipulated," the Seattle Times noted, and the network "removed the images after inquiries from the Seattle Times."
   A Fox News spokeswoman claimed that both pictures "were taken this week in Seattle." But the Times noted that "the gunman photo was taken June 10, while storefront images it was melded with were datelined May 30 by Getty Images," which is an independent photojournalism firm.
   Conclusion: Fox has shown itself to be a propaganda arm for the current president.

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