Thursday, June 11, 2020

Quotes of the Day

   "Dominate with compassion." -- President Trump in a speech to a gathering of law enforcement officials in Dallas. Three senior black leaders -- the police chief, the county sheriff and the district attorney -- were not invited.
   "Take back your city now. If you don't, I will." -- Trump in a tweet to the mayor of Seattle, warning about demonstrators.
   "He may refuse to leave the White House if he loses." -- Democratic candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden.

   The Trump campaign will hold a rally in Tulsa on June 19th, also known as Juneteenth, the date when the Emancipation Proclamation was read in Texas in 1865, the final in a series of announcements freeing American blacks from slavery. Tulsa is the scene of one of the worst racial massacres in American history, where dozens of black citizens died and hundreds wounded by white rioters in June of 1921.
   As part of the plan for the rally, the Trump campaign issued a directive that anyone planning to attend must sign a waiver absolving organizers of any responsibility if an attendee contracts the corona virus during the gathering.
   Meanwhile, after two months of holding daily briefings on how to deal with the crisis, the Corona Virus Task Force has stopped meeting the press. Members now meet with each other only twice a week.

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