Sunday, June 21, 2020

No Test Means No Problem

   "Slow the testing down," said the president at a campaign rally in Tulsa. That way you won't find as many cases of corona virus infections, which will mean the issue is under control. And he blamed the "fake news media" for poor attendance at the rally by reporting a rise in infections and deaths, thus scaring people off.
   The campaign had expected an overflow crowd of 40,000 people, in addition to the 19,000 who would fill the arena. But the arena was far from full, and the outdoor space was empty. 
   Meanwhile, six members of the president's advance team tested positive for the virus and were quarantined.
   Later, White House staffers defended the president's comment, claiming he was only joking.
   More than 120,000 dead Americans in five months is nothing to laugh about.

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