Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Packing the Deck

   Examples are piling up that the Administration is trying to stack the government's justice system as well as the upcoming Census with its own supporters to ensure that legal decisions and congressional seats follow the Trumpism doctrine.
   The White House named two political appointees with little experience in the field to the Census Bureau, raising fears that the Trumpistas want to influence the apportionment of congressional delegates in their favor.
   The lead prosecutor in the Southern District of New York was fired late on Friday evening as the Administration attempted to replace him with a Trump supporter with no prosecutorial experience. After a major public fuss, a deputy was put in the office, but that's likely to be temporary.
   The prosecutor's office is investigating at least four close associates of the president, including Rudy Giuliani, his personal attorney and a former New York City mayor.
   In addition, voting districts are consolidating their polling places, allegedly to minimize exposure to the corona virus, but are being done in such a way as to block people in largely Democratic districts from being able to vote.
   A Tweet from economist Robert Reich today noted that Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has for months been sitting on legislation to reform the Voting Rights Act. The bill would enable the state to allocate "just one polling place for 616,000 predominantly Black voters."
   "Can this be any more blatant?" Reich asks.

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