Saturday, September 10, 2022

Capitalists vs Socialists

    Define your terms. One is good, and the other is not. But capitalists are often greedy, and greed is ungood. Does that mean capitalism is ungood?
   Or consider the terms socialism and social welfare. Socialists are often opposed to capitalists because greed can be harmful to others. Meanwhile, capitalists brand socialism evil. But if those concerned with social welfare oppose capitalist greed, they are branded socialist and therefore evil.
   But is concern for the welfare of others evil?
   If you brand socialism "evil," therefore those who need social aid are incompetent and therefore evil.
   Only if you have already defined those in need of social help as evil. Unless you are a member of the same social group. Otherwise, you can say non-members are evil and don't deserve assistance.
   Logical?  No. But it is a common attitude throughout history and still common.
   So which term is evil and which is good?
   Answer: Neither. Evil can infest each, just as good can improve each.
   The ethnic groups may differ but the bigotry is the same.

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