Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Stormy Sees

   Showing the documentary of a former Trump aide talking up the plan to control voting dominated  news coverage even before the entire film was formally shown to a Congressional committee.
   The full documentary was scheduled to be shown to the House panel Wednesday, September 28, 2022 but was postponed because of hurricane activity. What  influence the documentary will have on devoted supporters of the former president remains an open question, especially if they refuse to watch it, or if they claim it is a fraud, deliberately made after the reputed action as a way to attack Trump's credibility.
   But claiming that the action on January 6, 2021, was a gathering by Trump opponents masquerading as supporters remains part of the scheme to manipulate history. And insisting that showing a fraudulent film makes the committee guilty of lying to America is another tactic.
   Can history be manipulated?
   Certainly. It happens in every country regularly as part of an effort to make one group look good and help it rise to or stay in power, as well as to keep a minority subordinate.
   But when members of that smaller group protest and seek to gain the same rights as the majority dominant group, they are called troublemakers, arrested and prosecuted for disturbing the peace.
   However, if that peace results in wrongful attacks on members of the minority, the supposed "peace" deserves to be disturbed until equality is gained.
   All this does not justify manipulating a major election to insure a victory for someone whose history shows a pattern of focusing on his own benefit and not that of the general public.
   So what will today's hearing show, and how will it affect the coming election as people try to resolve conflicts that may lead to major changes in American life?
   More importantly, how will voters react to the mounting evidence of misconduct -- if not fraud -- by senior government officials before and after the election that put Donald Trump in the White House for four years?
   Will they accept the evidence?
   Will they accept the allegations?
   Will they deny both?
   Will they seek a new leader, one who promises to take America to a major new role in the world?
   Are we seeing a repeat of what happened a century ago, as economic problems led to ultra-conservative government systems in Europe and to a world war within a few years?

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