Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Word Play

   Playing with words and their definitions often means the players are stalling because they know they're wrong.
   Donald Trump's lawyers say he did no wrong because the documents are no longer secret, because they were declassified.
   At the same time, they say he doesn't have to disclose them to the judge monitoring the dispute because the documents were classified.
   But if the documents are no longer "secret," there's no need to hide them, therefore they can be given to the monitor. Or even made public entirely.
   Unless, as the lawyers also imply, they may become part of a legal case, and therefore they can't be disclosed.
   But if they are part of a legal case over keeping documents that he shouldn't have taken home with him in the first place, that means even more trouble.
   That's playing both ends against the middle, as the saying goes. Which can mean you're wrong on both sides.

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