Saturday, February 13, 2016

Bafflegab and Balderdash

If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with balderdash.

"King, eh? I didn't vote for him." -- Monty Python

   Debate moderators, as journalists, must ask probing questions of those who hope to become President of the United States. But those same reporters must also insist that the candidates actually answer the questions.
   Politicians typically ignore the premise of a question and segue to a long and rambling talking point (lecture) that may sound good but means little. It's up to the moderators to push for a true response.
   Maybe Judge Judy should preside.

   During Saturday evening's Republican debate in South Carolina, candidate Donald J. Trump noted that the World Trade Center "came down during the reign of President George W. Bush."
   Trump has used the word "reign" several times before in reference to the U.S. presidential tenure.
   Reminder: Presidents are not monarchs, and do NOT reign. Continuing to use "reign" says a lot about how Trump would behave as President.

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