Friday, June 17, 2016

Candidate Credentials

Whom do you trust?

   Candidate H has spent a lifetime in politics and government, including service as U.S. senator representing New York State and as Secretary of State for the federal government. This candidate has no experience in business.
   Candidate D has spent a lifetime in business, including numerous business failures, bankruptcies, allegations of fraud and charges of milking cash from business ventures before sending them into bankruptcy. This candidate has no experience in politics or government.
   Candidate H has released complete financial statements of net worth and tax returns.
   Candidate D refuses to release net worth figures, instead giving the candidate's own totals, without providing evidence or documentation. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) audits this candidate's tax returns yearly, while audits of other individuals and major companies are only occasional, if not rare.
   Candidate H delivers speeches regularly on policies and strategies, but seems uncomfortable holding press conferences, where the candidate takes questions directly from journalists.
   Candidate D speaks to journalists regularly, but is light on specifics and often indulges in mockery and insult when the questions become too tough. In addition, this candidate has barred reporters from major news media from attending campaign events, after the candidate is offended by negative coverage in these news outlets.
   Candidate H welcomes refugees from other nations fleeing danger and seeking opportunity in America.
   Candidate D wants to bar all those of a certain religious faith, and build a border wall to keep out "undesirables," as well as deport millions of others, including family members who were born in America and are therefore U.S. citizens.

   We report, you decide.

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