Thursday, June 2, 2016

Diss Train

This train don't carry no liars this train
This train don't carry no liars, con men,
Wheeler dealers, here and gone men.
-- Woody Guthrie

   The Diss Train is not bound for glory. Rather, with Donald Trump as engineer, it is going off the political rails and wrecking the Grand Old Party that has given America such leaders as Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft and Dwight D. Eisenhower.
   Meanwhile, the Hillary artillery is launching a salvo of attacks on Trump's record, including his multiple bankruptcies, fraud allegations against Trump U, dismissal of John McCain's war record, proposals to ban Muslims, to wall out Mexicans, as well as bad-mouthing of women, immigrants, Hispanics and any and all who disagree with him on anything, any time, anywhere, ever.
   There's another dis- word. Add that to disrespect, dishonest, and dozens of others rambling through the American vocabulary.
   Trump's policy statements -- such as they are -- show an appalling ignorance of the real world of government, economics, diplomacy and international relations.
   He has antagonized so many people so often that he is driving a once respected political party to destruction.
   A major golf tournament, scheduled to be played at a course in Miami owned by Trump, is being moved to Mexico City partly because the promoters have lost sponsorship revenue, as major corporations don't want their names to be associated with You-Know-Who.
   Many GOP leaders, including Gov. John Kasich of Ohio, say they will likely not attend the Republican Party nominating convention, to be held in Cleveland. Also passing up the opportunity to attend are several former Presidents.
   In addition, New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez, chair of the national Republican Governors Association, will not attend the convention.
   In California, the entrepreneurs of Silicon Valley are increasingly disillusioned with Trump's comments, and are withholding support.
   The question now becomes this: How many people in how many groups can he insult, abuse, vilify and demonize and still win through to the White House?
   The scary part is the vast number of people who believe his rantings, no matter how outlandish, ignorant, or just plain wrong they may be.
   Meanwhile, a watchful, independent and free press has a job to do, informing the public in general and voters in particular of every flaw, error and downright lie in his speeches.

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