Sunday, October 23, 2016

Brexit Fallout

   Memo to all those who thought leaving the European Union and its easy travel and trade setup was a good idea for the United Kingdom:
   -- Major British banks are considering relocating their headquarters to the Republic of Ireland, which will stay in the EU.
   -- Thousands of people now living in Britain are applying for Irish passports, which will make it easier for them to travel throughout Europe and its member nations of the EU.
   -- Canada's trade relations with its Commonwealth parent nation, the United Kingdom, are shriveling.

   And you think the U.S. should tear up existing trade agreements such as NAFTA, cancel plans for a Trans Pacific Partnership trade agreement, and sharply restrict travel to America from other countries as well as build a wall along America's southern border are also great ideas?
   Be careful what you wish for. You may get it.

   Meanwhile, what if Canada built a wall along its southern border and hired Mexicans and Muslims to do the work?

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