Saturday, October 15, 2016

Safety in Silence

When you're in a hole, stop digging.

   Memo to Desperate Don: Stop complaining that the news media are out to get you by printing stories about your past activities with women and emphasizing your denials.
   The more you talk and the stronger your language, the more ink you generate in major newspapers and the more time your talk is rerun on television news programs.
   Every marketing exec knows that sex sells, and gossip attracts more readers and viewers than economic policy speeches.
   By continuing to strike back at those who come out with stories alleging sexual misconduct, attacking your accusers with stronger and stronger language, you only shoot yourself in the metaphorical foot.
   Remember, they can't report what you don't say.
   You're in deep enough trouble over the descriptions of your past activities. If these stories are true, face it, you're through. And if they're not true, the more emphatic your denials and the stronger your attacks on critics, the more people listen.
   So be quiet and hope the stories go away.
   Good luck with that one.

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