Wednesday, December 20, 2017

GOP: Greed + Opportunity = Plunder

   The  so-called Tax Reform Bill heading for approval in Washington exemplifies a new name for the political group formerly known as the Grand Old Party (Republican).
   Every nonpartisan analysis has shown that the prime beneficiaries of the changes will be the ultra-rich, including members of Congress, who are donors or members of the Republican Party.
   Clearly, the driving force behind the changes is greed. And now that these folks have the opportunity to force through changes in the nation's tax code to reward themselves, it amounts to plundering the rest of American taxpayers.
   Examples: Some 83 percent of the gains will go to the top 1 percent of Americans, including the president's family. At the same time, the new plan will add $1.5 trillion to the national deficit, despite the ranting by Republican hawks that any deficit endangers the nation.
   Meanwhile, polls show that only 7 percent of Americans agree that the measure will benefit middle income Americans. Instead, it will primarily reward the top 0.1 percent.
   Therefore, GOP can now be said to stand for Greed plus Opportunity equals Plunder.

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