Saturday, December 16, 2017

Money Talks, Neutrality Walks

   As is true in many other aspects of life, devotees of free market economics have put pressure on  government agencies to cancel rules that treated internet service providers the same as telephone companies -- public utilities obliged to serve all customers equally.
   Instead, for a price, some users of the internet will be able to get faster, better access than others. And those who operate web sites will have more control over who sees what.
   One wonders whether campaign donations from corporations helped to influence the administration on its decision to set the providers free to run their enterprises as they choose.
   Or maybe it's just another aspect of Trumponomics, the doctrine of unbridled competition exemplified by the "laissez faire" classical economics of the 19th Century, which said business should be left alone and the economy will find its own equilibrium and all things will be for the best in this best of all possible worlds.
   Call it hunky-dory hope that eventually, in the long run, everything will work out and we'll all be happy.
   On the other hand, in the long run we'll all be dead.

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