Monday, December 11, 2017

Idyll Thoughts

When you have facts on your side, argue the facts.
When you have law on your side, argue the law.
When you have neither, pound the table.

Political bravery is an oxymoron.
Arrogance is its own reward.
Ignorance is its own punishment.

   Name calling is no substitute for intelligent conversation or debate.

   When arrogance joins ignorance in a single person, the result is a toxic, dangerous brew, especially concocted in a politician with an expert  sales pitch.

   Life is a series of if-then statements. If this happens, then I will do that. If that had not happened in the past, then I would not be stuck where I am today.
   That's called rationalizing, and it's an insecure person's way of blaming others for his or her lack of success and threatening others unless they do what they're told.

   What would happen if the U.S. tried to annex Canada, to "protect" its northern border? Statehood was, in fact, offered to Canadian provinces soon after U.S. independence, but the offer was rejected.
   Building a wall is one way to keep out those who don't look alike and talk alike, but since Canadians can easily "blend," why not make it official?
   Can you say, "Nonsense"?

   Progress report: The Editor's Revenge blog attracts readers in ten countries every week, and has reached a total of some 100 nations over time.
   As always, comments and reactions are welcome, especially from those who disagree.
   Talk is safer and cheaper than violence.

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