Saturday, December 23, 2017


   Donald J. Trump is the president of the United States. He is not -- repeat, not -- the pope, emperor, monarch, fearless leader or any other type of blessed dictator who deserves such heaping adulation that has been shown to him by other members of the government.
   In public, no less.  It's embarrassing to Americans who live the tradition that all are created equal.
   In recent days, Republicans have lavished such praise on the president as to make one wonder what they hope to accomplish by such groveling.
   A particularly embarrassing comment was made by Rep. Diane Black of Tennessee, who said, "Thank you, President Trump, for allowing us to have you as our president."
   Allow? One hopes she was not serious.
   Unfortunately, such degrading, craven butt-kissing is all too common these days among Republicans in government.
   Even the vice president, Mike Pence, stooped to give thanks to the boss's self-believed eminence 14 times in three minutes during a meeting of Cabinet members.
   Why? When and how did it come about that the imperial presidency reached reality in the image of Donald Trump?
   Somehow, Republican members of Congress have forgotten that they are part of a co-equal branch of government, and are not -- repeat, not -- subordinate to the whims and wishes of a self-delusional, woefully insecure person such as the current president.
   They had no hesitation in criticizing Barack Obama, a Democrat, echoing the flagrant falsehoods perpetrated by the one who perceives himself a demigod and now happens to be president, a circumstance brought about by manipulating the electoral system even as he lost the popular vote.
   Meanwhile, this administration, with the collusion of a Republican dominated Congress, is dismantling government and destroying social welfare programs, even as it enables plunder of the nation's wealth by corporations and wealthy individuals.
   Fortunately, the nation still has an independent press, with journalists ready, willing and able to monitor and publicize the activities of this incipient imperial presidency, with the collaboration of what was designed to be an independent, co-equal branch of government, the Congress.
   But if this new guy succeeds in silencing the critical voices of print and broadcast journalists, the nation will be in big trouble.
   It can't happen here, you say?
   Read some recent history of what happened in other countries. The signs are that attempts are being made to make it happen here and now in this country.
   And if you think that's "fake news," take another think while you still can.

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