Monday, July 18, 2016

Civil Discourse

Demonize not, lest ye become demons.

   America's founders recognized the value of open discussion with those who disagreed, knowing that compromise is the road to progress.
   But for those who are so mentally, spiritually and emotionally locked in to their self-assigned importance that they dismiss or demonize any who disagree, compromise is the road to perdition.

   Sad, disgusting, total disgrace, dishonest, weak, horrible, stupid, crooked, liar, boring, little, shameful, incredible, terrible, unbelievable, bad, incompetent, corrupt, criminal.
   Bombastic, arrogant, ignorant, bully, egotistic, braggart, thin-skinned, insecure, temperamentally unfit.

   These are some of the words thrown around by and about candidates hoping to be the next President of the United States of America.
   How's that for civil discourse?

   The hazard is that violent talk soon leads to violent action, and that has already happened many times in recent months, with the tacit and sometimes specific approval of one of the candidates.
   There is more danger to freedom from the radical right than from the liberal left.
   Those who would dictate the terms, actions, beliefs and behaviors of all citizens and voters are, by definition, dictators. And those who seek full control of news media coverage as they seek political office fit that same definition, especially when they encourage, incite, approve or even refuse to condemn violence against protestors.

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