Thursday, July 14, 2016

The Rise of Bigotry

E Pluribus, Unum.  Out of Many, One.

   How many generations are needed before members of a family become "true Americans"? Children of immigrants remain proud of their heritage, even unto many generations.
   On March 17, those of Irish heritage parade their pride in cities throughout the country.
   Similar celebrations are held by descendants of those who came from many other nations.
   In the autumn, those of German heritage hold an Oktoberfest, and all are welcome to attend.
   February is Black Heritage Month, honoring the achievements of those who were brought unwillingly to America.
   Nearly every ethnic, cultural or religious group in America celebrates the values held by their members. This is one of the firm foundations of the American Way.
   However, there have been exceptions and blots on the American tradition, shameful episode in American history.
   In the 19th Century, the Know Nothing Party tried to formally ban Irish and German immigrants from coming to America. Bias was so strong that employers could even advertise for workers using abbreviations. Example: "Help Wanted -- NINA." (No Irish Need Apply.)
   During World War II, Japanese-Americans were sent to internment camps on the West Coast. On the East Coast, similar monitoring was done to Italian and German families.
   Meanwhile, a ship full of Jewish refugees was turned away from several East Coast ports, until it returned to Nazi Germany, where its passengers were sent to death camps. The episode inspired a movie, "The Ship of Fools."
   Muhammad Ali came home to Louisville, KY, with an Olympic Gold Medal in boxing, but was refused entry to a restaurant because of his skin color. In frustration, he threw the medal into a river.
   American women were denied the right to vote until the early 20th Century.
  Black citizens were routinely denied the same right in many parts of the South until the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s. Some regions still try.
   The struggle to ensure American rights for some American citizens continues, as some accuse those who disagree as being mentally unfit, or biased because of their heritage, or religion, or gender. In short, the only ones qualified to have an opinion on what he says or does must be of the same heritage, gender, ethnicity, or religion as Himself.
   And even then, the opinions of others are to respected only if they agree with his.
   That's not the America upholding the principles in the founding documents of 240 years ago.

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