Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Code Word Coverup

Name calling covers up insecurity.

   Children resort to name-calling and blaming others for their own shortcomings. Many times, the abusive labels and names they try to paste on others are the very qualities they are guilty of themselves.
   For example, the accusation "crooked" is voiced repeatedly by one person who is the target of a multiple-count fraud charge by federal prosecutors. This same person has been sued many hundreds of times by contractors to force this person to pay for work done at various business ventures.
   "Liar" is another term thrown out by this same political candidate, who has been caught, called out and corrected by fact checkers almost daily.
   "Dishonest" is the word this politician uses against news media that expose the candidate's business dealings that send contractors into bankruptcy while he enlarges his own accounts.
   He calls women who disagree with him "fat," and claims women journalists who ask sharp questions must be in the cranky phase of their menstrual cycle.
   He insists his business in Scotland will benefit because citizens of that country voted to leave the European Union. In fact, Scots voted strongly to remain, as did citizens in Northern Ireland. However, they were narrowly outvoted by citizens in England and Wales, the two other countries that are part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
   He has mocked a competitor who is not as tall as he is, as if size equals competence.
   In short, rather than display knowledge and expertise vital to any candidate for a major public office, he relies on mockery, insult and abuse to cover up his own ignorance, inexperience, insecurity and lack of compassion.
   We hear what he claims, even as he refuses to provide verifiable details.

   So who is to be believed, the one who gives no evidence to support his claims and accusations, or the dozens of independent journalists who not only report what the candidate says, but also give documentary evidence on why he's mistaken, or ill-informed?
   Or even flat-out wrong, provably wrong, and loudly flaunting a pack of lies?
   To quote the motto of the right-wing, conservative Fox News organization, "We report, you decide."
   Meanwhile, we may be watching the destruction of the Republican Party, which very likely could occur as early as next week during their national convention in Cleveland.
   All the while, print and broadcast journalists representing media outlets of all persuasions and from numerous countries will cover the story as it happens. And yes, some reporting and commentary will be slanted, others interpretive, and most neutral. Readers and viewers have the option and the responsibility to consider the reputations of each reporting organization and individual while they decide.

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