Wednesday, July 27, 2016


   The economy's a wreck, chants the outsider, and "only I can fix it," by bringing back jobs that were stolen by unscrupulous foreigners in other countries.
   The reality, however, is something else, and the evidence is clear in the numbers, regardless of the propaganda spouted by some.
   The latest data show economic growth in 37 states and the District of Columbia during the first three months of this year, with construction leading with a 9 percent growth rate -- the eighth consecutive quarter of growth for this industry. Besides construction, health care and social assistance, as well as retail trade, were major contributors to economic health, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis in the Department of Commerce.
   Moreover, the Federal Reserve Board said the growth rate nationwide continues its "moderate" pace. However, the recovery is still not strong enough to warrant a change in the central bank's key lending rate, which will remain at the 0.25 to 0.5 range. This is good news for government borrowers that want to invest in infrastructure projects.
   Ten states showed clearly negative growth in the first quarter, the BEA said, and three others were borderline. North Dakota showed the lowest negative number, with a growth rate of -11.4 percent. The highest growth rate was posted by Arkansas, at 3.9 percent.
  So to borrow and expand on a campaign slogan of several elections ago, are you better off now that you were a year ago, or will you believe the fear mongering rhetoric of those who challenge what appears to be progress?

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