Monday, March 13, 2017

Charity Begins ...

   Candidate Donald Trump promised he would take no salary if elected. Now, as president, he says he will donate his $430,000 salary to charity.
   Reporters asked press secretary Sean Spicer whether any decision was made as to which charity would get it.
   Spicer said no decision had yet been made, and asked those in the press briefing room for suggestions as to where the president should put it.

   One can only admire the restraint among the reporters for not responding.
   Eventually, however, someone suggested a scholarship fund for journalists.

   Given the president's recent comments on media coverage, that doesn't seem likely.

   By the way, by accepting the salary and then donating it to charity, he gets a tax deduction.  So the U.S. Treasury gets hit twice. So much for looking out for the public interest over his own.

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