Thursday, March 2, 2017

Journalism Breeds Cynicism

Proverbs from Pug Mahoney, the cynic in chief:

   -- Cynicism thrives when idealism clashes with reality.
   -- Ignorance is no barrier to success in politics, but it is a major impediment to governing.
   -- Politics is about getting elected. Government is about getting something done.
   -- Some pundits said the president's speech was his best yet. But compared to all the others, that's not saying much.
   -- The corporate prime directive is to increase shareholder value. This means boosting the stock price even if it means consumers suffer.   
   -- Consumer choice is a cover term for higher company profits.
   -- The secret of success in business: Lower costs and higher prices equal more profit.
   -- How can you tell when a politician is lying? His lips move.

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