Thursday, March 30, 2017

Pep Talk

   "Get with the program and be part of the team!" goes the mantra of many single-minded politicians, especially including the current denizens of the Whine House.
   Once again, the president is demanding that members of Congress side with him without question, despite their supposed allegiance to the voters who elected them.
   However, there are increasing signs of independence from Congress, led by leading senators who now cite their duty as members of a separate and equal branch of government.
   The declaration of independence is met with outrage from the twitter in chief, who threatened to fight them in next year's election cycle "if they don't get on the team, & fast."
   The target this time was members of the House Freedom Caucus, conservative Republicans who blocked the Chief Twit's effort to dismantle the health care program set up during the previous administration.
   Meanwhile, leading members of the Senate, who are more secure in their seats because they serve staggered six-year terms compared to House members, all of whom face re-election every two years, have served notice on the president that they will pursue their investigation of the alleged Russian connection to the Trumpian campaign no matter where it leads.

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