Monday, March 20, 2017

Twilight of the Gauche

"Rage, rage against the dying of the light."
-- Dylan Thomas

Better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness.
 -- Origin unknown

   The dark money holders who helped elect a real estate mogul with no experience in politics or government will soon want a return on their investment.
   Meanwhile, the president is shifting more military decision-making from the Oval Office to the Pentagon. This may be a good thing, since it puts the responsibility in the hands of experts, even as it supplies an out for the commander in chief, who can then deny any guilt if war-like missions fail.
   If they succeed, of course, the president can claim credit for the wisdom and foresight of delegating decision to others.
   But by not bothering with military and national security issues, the president can focus on other things more important to him, namely making money for himself, his family and his friends, in that order.
   During the election campaign, he promised to drain the swamp in Washington. Instead, he is setting out to drain the Treasury.

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