Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Alphabetical Attributes

Question: What do you think of the candidate?

   In alphabetical order, here are some of the words used to describe the current Republican nominee for President of the United States of America:

   Arrogant, Bully, Braggart, Brat, Callous, Childish, Clueless, Deceitful, Demented, Demeaning, Egotistical, Erratic, Fascist, Foolish, Foul-mouthed Fraud, a Greedy Hot-head who is Ignorant, Insulting, and Insecure, a Jackass with Juvenile attitudes and behavior.
   He is a Knuckle-headed leader of a Kitschy Kangaroo court at a Kindergarten level, presided over by a proven Liar, a Mealy Mouthed Narcissistic Nutcase who is Over-sensitive, a Petty Petulant Prevaricator, Resentful, Rude and Self-serving, a Small-minded Snake-oil salesman and a Sore loser.
   Perennially Testy, Thin-skinned, Unfit, Uninformed and Uncontrolled, a Venal, Vindictive, Witless and Woefully unprepared Xenophobic Yahoo and an unprincipled Zealot in all these attributes.

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