Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Accountability 115

The times, they are a-changing." -- Bob Dylan

   Who will hold the new President accountable for what he says and does after January 20, when the GOP gains control of all three branches of the U.S. government?
   As the 115th Congress opened its first session, the new minority leader, Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY), served notice on President-elect Donald Trump that Democrats will be watching closely, and will not let the Congress be GOP-smacked by legislation harmful to American society and its values.
   A fair warning, of course, but whether Democrats will succeed remains in the future.
   Meanwhile, attendees in the opening session of Congressional politics have as their first course of study Accountability 115, with Republicans trying to advance their syllabus of conservative policies and Democrats monitoring and grading GOP performance.
   Also in the future is whether Trump continues his schoolyard tactics common during the campaign or whether he adopts a headmaster attitude in trying to advance his curriculum, calling Senators and Representatives onto the Oval Office carpet to press his agenda.
   This, of course, will depend on whether members of the House and Senate adopt schoolboy submissiveness to Presidential directives.
   Don't hold your breath on that one.
   There are some in Congress who hold to the Constitutional idea that they are part of a separate and equal branch of government, and not subordinate to an imperial presidency.
   Party loyalty is one thing. Conscience of a loyal American is another.
   So look for an increasing number of Republicans to listen to their consciences (and to voters back home) and step back from the Grand Old Parade of unity for the sake of unity.
   It may take two years, but that's when the entire House of Representatives opens its Election Day doors for a house cleaning.
   Until then, minority Dems will be sifting through the dust and detritus of Presidential activities, gathering evidence to support impeachment.
   It won't be hard, since the potential conflicts are there and the Trumpians have already acted on some of them.
   The kicker is that Donald Trump can't be impeached because he isn't President.

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