Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Mind Readers? Not.

"You always want to go by what's come out of his mouth rather than look at what's in his heart." -- Trump spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway defending the President-elect.

   Journalists are not mind readers. They can only report what a politician says. If he meant something else, he should have said something else. As for speculating on what a statement may or may not mean, that's for commentators on television and the Op-Ed pages to rattle on about.
   By the time a person reaches higher levels of government -- especially the Presidency -- that person should be somewhat competent in choosing words to convey what he really means.
   If he can't, then it's not up to reporters to jump on his bandwagon to retune comments for a more harmonious melody to please the public.
   Meanwhile, say what you mean and mean what you say. If what you say comes back to bite, then the responsibility is yours, not the reporter's.

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