Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Alternative Realities

   Any shaman, druid or spiritual leader can describe in detail one or more alternate realities, and many have mastered the technique of traveling to and from a spirit world in search of advice and guidance.
   However, such travelers know where they are at any stage of their voyage, and do not confuse one reality for another.
   But when a person is unable or unwilling to keep separate the realities he or she works in or travels to, that person has a problem, especially when the person comes to a position of prominence in one reality but behaves as if in a preferred alternate reality.
   Perhaps the three to five million illegal and fraudulent votes that the President claims led to his loss in the popular vote in last November's election were cast in that alternative reality.
  A new investigation is under way to probe allegations of massive voter fraud in the 2016 presidential election. So far, there has been no evidence of widespread voter fraud in this reality.
   Maybe the Justice Department can hire a few shamans and witches and druids (Oh, my!) to travel to alternate realities and investigate there while we ordinary mortals wait for alternative tweets confirming alternative votes for alternative candidates, thus proving the alternative facts from an alternative president.

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