Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Press Room Shills

   Packing the White House Briefing Room with devoted White House staff who loudly cheer and applaud remarks by the President in an attempt to create the idea that journalists endorse and support what he says only backfires on the resident shills and their boss.
   Journalists never applaud or cheer what a subject says during an interview. Nor do they jeer or boo. Their job requires that they be neutral, to report as accurately and as fairly as they can what is said, and to ask tough questions as to what a statement or claim might mean, and to probe for potential consequences, both positive and negative.
   Interrupting a comment with applause to imply that reporters endorse what is said insults the intelligence of those in the general public who rely on journalists to be neutral.
   Knock it off, guys. You can lie to yourselves all you want, but don't lie to the press corps or to the American public.

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