Sunday, January 29, 2017

Resign Or Be Impeached

   When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for a people to remove a political leader from office, a decent respect for the opinions of a nation's citizens demands that reasons be given.
   The current President of the United States has repeatedly ignored, disregarded and violated the rights of various people under his jurisdiction, perpetrated untruths and insisted they be accepted and upheld despite a total lack of evidence for his claims, removed knowledgeable experts from government agencies and replaced them with incompetent cronies, as well as numerous other offenses against the civil liberties and constitutional rights of the people.
   All these factors and incidents have been well documented by the free and independent press of America and the world, using information provided to them by government officials and victims of presidential misbehavior.
   He has refused to provide information on his business activities that would refute suspicions about inappropriate and unconstitutional relationships with foreign powers.
   He has ignored appeals to explain how his tax returns would show no inappropriate or illegal and unconstitutional income sources.
   He has insisted that he cannot release his tax returns because, he says, "they are still under audit," despite repeated statements by the Internal Revenue Service that he can release them at any time. But are all his tax returns "still under audit," even those going back three, five, ten or more years? The people of America deserve to know what, if anything, their President is hiding.
   He has removed the military chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Director of National Security from regular meetings of the National Security Council, saying they may attend such meetings "as needed," and replaced them with a political aide who has no relevant military or national security experience.
   He has defied a court ruling overturning his immigration policy mandating a religious test for refugees, insisting that his executive order "remains in place."
   For these and other reasons, he has shown a strong disrespect for the rights of America's citizens and those who seek refuge here, as well as a blatant disregard for fact and reality in his various claims relating to his behavior and experience, labeling those who disagree with his opinions and statements "liars, dishonest, unfair" and other labels.
   Therefore, we the people of America solemnly declare that the current President of the United States, Donald Trump, is in violation of human rights as well as constitutional responsibilities and must either resign from his office or be impeached, convicted and forced to leave office.

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