Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Government by Threat

"Peace through strength." -- President Ronald Reagan

"Or,  failing that, peace through threat." -- Roman Emperor Hadrian

"America First." -- President Donald Trump

   Last October, Donald Trump outlined his policy plans for the first 100 days of his presidency. (See  "100 Day Action Plan," posted on this blog site 22 October 2016.) Now, as President, he is acting on those announced plans.
   He warned corporate executives to expand manufacturing in America or pay high tariffs. He challenged automakers to increase production, but offered easier federal regulations and tax policies. (Representatives of foreign automakers reportedly were not invited to the meeting.) Separately, he promised to reduce federal regulations by 75 percent, but he did not specify what kind and in what areas.
   Corporate executives have been streaming into meetings at the White House, presumably to get on Trump's good side (assuming he has one) as the new President moves to carry out his "America First" campaign promise.
   Trump's history of belligerence toward any who disagree him on any issue enters a new chapter as he enters the Oval Office. And he seems obsessed with countering and "correcting" anything that diminishes his own importance.
   Examples: Today, he insisted, without citing evidence, that he would have won the popular vote count for President if not for some five million illegal immigrants who voted for Hillary Clinton. Earlier, Trump assailed "dishonest media" for reporting pictures of a larger crowd at Barack Obama's first inauguration eight years ago than for his own ceremony last Friday.
   The resident cynic for this blog, Pug Mahoney, suggested that Trump stop whining. You won. You're in the Oval Office. It's time to concentrate on important issues.

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